Medical Integration Training Essentials
COA offers 136 training Essentials
Consultants of America has designed multiple Essentials for doctors and staff. COA’s expert consultants’ coach and train all the details and extensive protocols for marketing your medical integration center.

Training Module Schedule:
Office Management
Refining the medical chiropractic integrated (MD/DC & DC/PT) office setup
Getting the most from your marketing dollars
Maximizing billing code usage(taught by certified coder)
Set up fool proof audit system
System Application
How to ensure increase in profits yearly
Subjects diversify in all aspects of practice, led by COA’s expert consultants.
Physician/Physical Therapist Training Essentials:
Consultants of America is dedicated to the successful growth of your center. We promote the concept of “professional teamwork” with a common goal and understanding of patient’s need, medical/chiropractic/rehabilitative treatment protocols. We offer the following Essentials to all clients:
- DC-MD-NP-PT Relationship
- DC-MD-NP-PT Role in the Clinic
- DC-MD-NP-PT Duties to Patients
- DC-MD-NP-PT Forms, Charts, Requirements…
- DC-MD-NP-PT Marketing
By training your professional staff, Consultants of America ensures your success, focuses your team’s efforts and creates an atmosphere of wholeness which provides your patients the genuine unadulterated care they expect and deserve.

136 Medical Integration Essentials
- Initial set-up
- Room flow
- Equipment layout
- MD-NP room set-up
- Computer set-up
- Software needed
- Staff scripts
- Medical charts
- Use of new forms
- New fee slips
- P.E.R. form
- Succession of events
- Demographics
- Co-pays
- Deductibles
- Medical protocols
- Scheduling
- Ordering modalities
- Inventorying supplies
- Blood work
- Cholesterol/Diabetes Screenings
- Medical documentation
- Neurology
- Diagnostics testing
- Ancillary Services
- Trigger Point Injections
- Cash collections
- Medicare
- Health Insurance
- Workers Comp.
- Vitamin Sale
- Medical Scheduling
- Claims
- Office Documentation
- Patient Follow-Up Letters
- Handling rejections
- Financial arrangements
- Applicable forms
- Insurance verification
- Seeking (MD-NP)
- Interviewing MD or NP
- Negotiate Pay/Salary
- In-Office MD-NP Training
- Interviewing MD or NP
- 5 Critical MD Rules
- DOCTORS (GP and/or NP)
- DC Exam
- MD-NP Exam
- Report of findings
- Ordering ancillaries
- X-rays
- Vitamins/Homeopathy
- Ortho supplies
- Durable Medical Equipment
- Blood/UA/Stool tests
- MD Rx
- Re-exams
- Re-testing
- Outside Specialist Consult
- X-ray Medical Report
- Initial Narrative
- Discharge Narrative
- Massage Therapy
- Night calls & ER
- Extensive Knee program
- Headache treatment
- Drug testing
- Injections part 1
- Injections part 2
- Interviewing PT
- PT Hiring
- Live PT Training
- Equipment Purchase
- Equipment Lay-Out
- Taping
- Supervision of PTA
- PT Order Protocol
- Medical Necessity
- Testing Interpretation
- SOAP Notes
- DOCTOR (Specialist)
- Exam
- When to Order
- Prescriptions
- Diagnostics
- Testing
- Report of findings
- Billing
- Medical Screenings
- Health Pass Day
- Monthly Themes
- Magazine offers
- Nutrition class
- Medical lectures
- Coupons/Groupons
- Weight loss
- Medical Presentation
- Seminar Workshops
- TV ads
- Newspaper ads
- Newsletter
- Patient referral
- Diabetes screening
- Patient Reactivation
- Business cards & pictures
- Radio ads
- Mailers
- Billboards
- Medical Referrals
- Telemarketing
- Online Reviews
- Social Media
- Google Analytics
- Yext
- Facebook Postings
- Website Analysis
- Patient flow
- Clinic expansion
- Establishing statistics
- Accounting
- Rural clinics
- Bonus Formula
- Goal Sheet
- Joining networks
- Seven (7) Steps
- Statistical analysis
Listed essentials are taught on a managerial level not clinical
Medical Integration Guide
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If you’ve been contemplating medically integrating your clinic to provide the BEST diversified healthcare without compromising your philosophy, this is YOUR opportunity to join our group of 1256+ centers in 45 states and create the wave of the future!

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