Blogs and articles with researched and proven helpful medical integration tips and advice from America’s leading medical integration consultant Dr. Dahan.
Topics include but are not limited too: clearly defining medical integration, medical integration legalities, qualifying for medical integration, budget needed, challenges, how long does it take to establish a medically integrated center, what changes can I expect, rules for medical integration success, marketing your integrated clinic, employee efficiency, medical billing and collections research, insurance response, investigations, attract more patients, patient centered care, health care warnings, employee attention, pros and cons, is medical integration viable, innovating treatments, knee pain, neuropathy, patient care, ACA’s view on multi-discipline practices, of integration, and more!

Noticing Staff in a Medical Integration Center
One of the greatest challenges that we find in a clinic is trying to keep every single employee motivated. The owner’s motivation comes from the

Wanting to Attract More Patients? Medical Integration Re-Imagined!
In order to successfully grow a practice there has to be a constant flow of new patients. New patients can be attracted via external marketing

Healthcare Warnings Ahead. Medical Integration Re-Designed!
The upcoming changes in the country are causing tremendous confusion. It is obvious that many different agencies are looking to make headway’s and try to

The Integrated Medical Center the Wave of The Future
The Integrated Medical Center What is an integrated medical center (IMC)? What does it do? How does it compete in today’s health care arena? Is

Should I Consider Medical Integration?
One of the profession’s most talked subject, today is the concept of medical integration. Many names indeed have been used to describe such association: DC/MD/NP/PT

Requirements For Integrated Medical Centers
There has been much talk about the medical integration of clinics over the last several years. However, never in history has there been a better