Blogs and articles with researched and proven helpful medical integration tips and advice from America’s leading medical integration consultant Dr. Dahan.
Topics include but are not limited too: clearly defining medical integration, medical integration legalities, qualifying for medical integration, budget needed, challenges, how long does it take to establish a medically integrated center, what changes can I expect, rules for medical integration success, marketing your integrated clinic, employee efficiency, medical billing and collections research, insurance response, investigations, attract more patients, patient centered care, health care warnings, employee attention, pros and cons, is medical integration viable, innovating treatments, knee pain, neuropathy, patient care, ACA’s view on multi-discipline practices, of integration, and more!

The Challenge of Medical Integration
Although many doctors speak about the many advantages of medical integration, it would be naïve to think that there are no negative issues associated with

What Sort of Budget Do I Need for Medical Integration?
While broadening your scope of practice to offer more services is a noble idea, medical integration certainly requires a financial commitment which makes many doctors

How Long Does it Take to Fully Establish a “Successful” Medical Integrated Center?
This is one the most often asked question. As a consultant since 1994 and operating

Will DCs “Lose Their Identity” and Possibly Be Affected Emotionally with Medical Integration?
This is an argument made by many people who are just not well informed. As a matter of fact, an integrated medical center will place

What Changes Can the DC Expect with Medical Integration?
New Staff: Hiring new staff is a positive sign of growth, expansion, advancement and success. But this increase in staff number will also escalate

5 Best Ways to Improve Employee Efficiency in an Integrated Medical Center
5 Best Ways to Improve Employee Efficiency in an Integrated Medical Center Managing hundreds of my clients’ clinics for the last 26 years has taught