Blogs and articles with researched and proven helpful medical integration tips and advice from America’s leading medical integration consultant Dr. Dahan.
Topics include but are not limited too: clearly defining medical integration, medical integration legalities, qualifying for medical integration, budget needed, challenges, how long does it take to establish a medically integrated center, what changes can I expect, rules for medical integration success, marketing your integrated clinic, employee efficiency, medical billing and collections research, insurance response, investigations, attract more patients, patient centered care, health care warnings, employee attention, pros and cons, is medical integration viable, innovating treatments, knee pain, neuropathy, patient care, ACA’s view on multi-discipline practices, of integration, and more!

Neuropathy Attracts Thousands of Patients
There are thousands of patients struggling with Neuropathy. Neuropathy is defined as a group of disorders that begins due to damage of the peripheral nervous

Say Goodbye to Knee Pain
With many people being affected nationally with knee degeneration, hundreds of integrated medical clinics have implemented nonsurgical alternatives to knee conditions. Medical Integrated Clinics have

Innovating Treatment for Migraine
It is interesting to know that headaches rank second to the most common cold as the ailment that bothers most people. Over 50 million Americans

Clearly Defining Medical Integration
Dr. Dahan, the nation’s expert leading authority on medical integration answers important questions about the medical integration model and its future. Please define medical integration.

New York State Education Department´s Opinion
MULTIDISCIPLINARY PRACTICES Law, rules and regulations, not Alerts, specify the requirements for practice and violating them constitutes professional misconduct. Not adhering to this Alert may

Submitted by: ACA Insurance and Managed Care Committee The American Chiropractic Association is the preeminent professional organization representing doctors of chiropractic in the United States.