Blogs and articles with researched and proven helpful medical integration tips and advice from America’s leading medical integration consultant Dr. Dahan.
Topics include but are not limited too: clearly defining medical integration, medical integration legalities, qualifying for medical integration, budget needed, challenges, how long does it take to establish a medically integrated center, what changes can I expect, rules for medical integration success, marketing your integrated clinic, employee efficiency, medical billing and collections research, insurance response, investigations, attract more patients, patient centered care, health care warnings, employee attention, pros and cons, is medical integration viable, innovating treatments, knee pain, neuropathy, patient care, ACA’s view on multi-discipline practices, of integration, and more!

Pros and Cons of Medical Integration
Pros:• “One Stop Shop” – The patient, the most important asset of your practice, receives the fullest comprehensive care available.• Every Patient Benefits – In

What’s In It For You?
What is an integrated medical center (aka Multi-Disciplinary Center or DC-MD clinic)? What does it offer? How does it compete in today’s health care arena?

Is Medical Integration Combined with Alternative Health Care a Viable Option?
There have been many articles claiming that for the last couple decades, a large portion of the American adult population uses “alternative therapies”. Interestingly enough,

Interview with Dr. Dahan about Medical Integration. (Pt 2)
Dr. Dahan, the nation’s expert authority on medical integration answers important questions about the medical integration model and its future.1. Please define medical integration.Medical integration

Interview with Dr. Dahan about Medical Integration. (Pt 1)
Dr. Dahan, the nation’s leading expert authority on medical integration answers important questions about the medical integration model and its future.1. Please define medical integration.Medical

What Are The General Benefits of Integrated Medical Centers?
Doctors throughout the nations have been questioning the viability of a medical integration. In this article Dr. Dahan explores its most common advantages. What