Blogs and articles with researched and proven helpful medical integration tips and advice from America’s leading medical integration consultant Dr. Dahan.
Topics include but are not limited too: clearly defining medical integration, medical integration legalities, qualifying for medical integration, budget needed, challenges, how long does it take to establish a medically integrated center, what changes can I expect, rules for medical integration success, marketing your integrated clinic, employee efficiency, medical billing and collections research, insurance response, investigations, attract more patients, patient centered care, health care warnings, employee attention, pros and cons, is medical integration viable, innovating treatments, knee pain, neuropathy, patient care, ACA’s view on multi-discipline practices, of integration, and more!

10 Rules to Ensure the Success of Your Medically Integrated Center
Although there are many variables that contribute to a medically integrated center, there is one aspect that remains the key component. It is integrity! When

How to Successfully Market for Your Medical Integrated Clinic
A successful medical integrated center will attract many new patients, given its broad scope of practice and diversified healthcare treatment options. However, how will most

Do I Qualify for Medical Integration?
Qualifying for medical integration is a very important questions that cannot be dismissed. Even though medical integration sounds attractive you probably wonder if you will

A Definition of the Term Medical Integration
What is the term “medical integration” mean? The concept is quite old since it combines the expertise of several practitioners working together, namely a medical

How to Choose a Consultant
With all the conflicting information flooding the market, it is challenging to know what and whom to believe, hence COA, the nation’s largest consulting firm,

Medical Integration Legalities
Medical Integration Legalities: (This section was written by a licensed professional attorney and reproduced with hispermission. Please see legal disclaimer). Know the legal barriers:With some