Want to know more about Dr Dahan's “fraudulent” lawsuit? Watch this Video!​

So you want to know what really happened? You have heard rumors and you are not sure what is really
going on? So let me share with you some details.
Basically, sometimes back in 1999, a doctor who attended our seminars got sued along with several
other people including myself. After a long drawn out court case the plaintiffs won. But, our attorneys
appealed the decision and the judgment was then reversed. Then we all talked and finally brought
closure to a 20 year old legal battle.
So, what really happened? With millions of dollars spent on a long and exhaustive legal journey, one of
the lessons I learned is that you have to be very meticulous in your business. You see, in life, it is not
what happens that determines the quality of our life; but it’s what we choose to do about what

Life is going to serve you either as a warning or as an example. But, life is about accepting challenges
and meeting opposition. The real challenge is the struggle for high ideals to make a difference in what
you believe. Values must be won by contests. And after the values have been won, they must be
You see, you have to be grateful for adversity. There would not be light without darkness; positive
without negative; good without evil… You have to understand and firmly believe that when something
catastrophic happens to you, you must understand the true purpose. And that is that, there has to be a
descent in order to lead to a greater ascent.

For that however, you must be willing and ready to make your displeasure, your anger, your
resentment, your irritation lead to inspiration not desperation. The key is to turn frustration into
You see, the greatest value in life is not what you get. The greatest value in life is what YOU become. It is
not what happens that determines the major part of your future, because what happens, happens to
everybody. It is what you do about it that makes the difference. Therefore, as a leader you must learn to
discipline your disappointments.

Throughout my professional expedition, I learned from my father, 2 great G-dly lessons. One is the belief
and undeniable trust that in your life, you are only given as much as you can handle; and two, that
everything will pass.

On that note, there 2 ways to approach the future: with apprehension or anticipation.
So, if you have experienced challenges in your life or you are currently struggling with any particular
issue or challenges, you may ask, what should I do? The answer is this: LEARN from your past!
You say: Why try to make the past so valuable? The answer is very simple: to invest into your future.
Find a way to look in your past and turn your experiences into equity. Remember, it is in the face of
adversity that things really change.

Success requires sometimes many failures because success is both a journey and a destination.
Success is the steady measured progress towards a goal and the achievement of that goal.

The bible is the greatest example of human stories with Examples and Warnings. Examples tell us the
ways you should follow or the people you should be close to. The warnings, remind us the things to
avoid or the people to keep away from.

Don’t ask for Divine Providence. Ask for more wisdom.
I know I have been there. Today, I am proud to be the nation’s leading expert authority on medical
integration with hundreds of successful clinics throughout the nation. I paid my dues, so you don’t have
If you are truly interested in taking your clinic to a higher level legally and ethically by broadening your
scope of services, then I am ready to make you an offer no one can compare. Email me for details.

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